Newsletter for The Epiphany of the Lord, Year B
Newsletter for The Epiphany of the Lord, Year B

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Following Stars:  Much of the star worship I see in society is different. There are a lot of people who worship stars that do not lead us to Christ. In fact there are stars that lead people to nowhere. Or worse, there are false stars that if you follow them, they will ultimately lead you to destruction. And I am not just talking about people. I am also talking about false stars like materialism, egotism, self-pity, the list goes on. So the question becomes who or what are the stars we follow? Will they lead us to Christ or into a black hole? This could be an interesting question when we consider the politics we support, the websites we follow, the circle of friends we keep, the lifestyle we lead, etc. An interesting question for our young people, what kind of person do you want to be like when you reach adulthood? A good indicator is the answer to the question: What stars do you follow? . (Bishop Frank Schuster)  
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