
Gift Aiding your Parish Donations

Gift Aid is a scheme by which the parish can claim the tax back on money that you put into the collection at Mass if you are a UK tax payer.  This extra money raised comes at no extra cost to you.  The parish gets an extra 25p for every £1 gift aided which would otherwise go to the Inland Revenue.

There are two ways to Gift Aid your collection money:-

Gift Aid Envelopes - You will be issue with a set of envelopes to put your money in each week, You will also have a unique number displayed on your envelopes.

Monthly Standing Order - Alternatively, you may wish to set up a monthly Standing Order with the parish. Whatever amount you decide to donate to the parish will go directly into the parish each month.   A further benefit of having a monthly standing order is that the parish still receives a donation from you if you are away for any weekend. If you are interested in setting up a standing order, please download and print  the appropriate form ,or collect one from the back of the Church and return it completed to me at your earliest convenience.

Standing Order mandate form

Consider joining the Gift Aid scheme either by using Gift Aid envelopes or by setting up a standing order.   For both methods, a Gift Aid declaration form needs to be completed and returned to the parish office. These forms can also be download below, or can be collected from the back of the Church.

Any further information about any of the above, please don't hesitate to contact the priest for details.

Consider joining the Gift Aid scheme either by using Gift Aid envelopes or by setting up a standing order.   For both methods, a Gift Aid declaration form needs to be completed and returned to the parish office. These forms can also be download below, or can be collected from the back of the Church.

Any further information about any of the above, please don't hesitate to contact the priest for details.

Gift Aid declaration form

Please make cheques payable to : 
RC Diocese of Argyll and the Isles Lochgilphead Mission

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