Justices & Peace

St. Margaret's Church Justice and Peace Group

The Scottish Catholic Justice and Peace Commission was formed in 1979. It is the Scottish Commission of the Pontifical Council Justitia et Pax. In january, 2017, this Council was subsumed into the new Dicastery for Integral Human Development.

The constituency of Justice and Peace is just over a thousand people out of a Catholic population in Scotland of about 841,000

Each of Scotland's eight dioceses is entitled to send an official representative to the National Commission. Also represented are the religious, missionary and secular clergy; youth and ecumenical representatives; and SCIAF – the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund.

This Commission meets quarterly. A Standing Committee which includes President, Chair, Vice-Chair, may convene for urgent decisions.

Justice and Peace in St  Margaret-The group have now resumed their regular meetings and last met on 12 December 2023. New members are most welcome.  They have agreed to send a letter to both the UK Foreign Secretary and the Home Secretary over the issue of refugees. They are now collecting donations for the Simon Community and Care for Calais. 

Justice and Peace Co-ordinator in our Parish

Marian Pallister
Tel: 01546 603626
Mob:07768 731145
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