St. Margaret's Church Pastoral Services
Pastoral Services is the Outreach of the parish, particularly the parish priest. This is focus on the sacramental and pastoral needs of the parish community, predominantly to the sick and elderly. Therefore, this is a request to all parishioners, if you have a family member who is sick, elderly, homebound or hospitalised and he or she would like to receive the Sacrament of Anointing, Reconciliation and Holy Communion, please contact the parish priest.
Anointing of the Sick
The Anointing of the Sick is a Sacrament of healing, of spiritual wellbeing not just for those who are sick and at their point of death. It can be administered to a member of the parish who is confined to the home for a long period of time. Also this can be administered to someone who is preparing for surgery. This Sacrament can be repeated as many times, especially when the situation of the illness is worsen. This Sacrament is administered only by the Priest.
Holy Communion for the Sick and Homebound
Members of the parish who are sick or elderly, mostly homebound, the Church recommended that the Holy Eucharist brought to them. As part of Pastoral Outreach of the parish, priest and Eucharistic ministers bring Holy Communion to them weekly or monthly, this is important because apart from receiving the body of Christ, it is a sign of belonging, still being in communion with the members of the parish.
This is a request, if you have a family a member who is homebound, please contact the priest and request for Holy Communion to be brought to the person.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is important for Catholics who are sick, especially for those who are seriously ill or dying, the Sacrament is requested before receiving the Holy Communion.
Reconciliation prepare the person, free the person from all sins, through absolution by the priest, and this done in God’s name. Most people experience God’s healing through forgiveness.
Viaticum- which means in Latin food for the Journey. The body of Christ is given to the dying, this is part of what is call the Last Rites. Viaticum is administered by the Priest, but a lay person may also give Holy Communion to the dying person as Viaticum.