Newsletter for the 5th Sunday of Lent, Year B
Newsletter for the 5th Sunday of Lent, Year B
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Memento Mori
For this week of Lent leading up to Palm Sunday, it may be helpful for all of us to begin meditating on how God incarnate became the grain of wheat, indeed has become food and drink for us, leading us to an eternal harvest. We are invited this week to reflect again on the words we heard on Ash Wednesday, remember you are dust and to dust you shall return. And then ask ourselves, how can I be like that grain of wheat? What are the weeds in my garden that I need to pull? How can I invest myself more into what really matters in this life? Who is that person in my life I need to stop taking for granted and love the way I am called to love? What are the ways that I can grow closer to the Lord as I make my pilgrimage to Holy Week? This is why I think a “memento mori” every so often is not all together bad. It can be in fact be very good ifit helps us reorient our focus to where it should be: our Easter hope (Bishop Frank Schuster)
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