Newsletter for the Easter Sunday, Year B
Newsletter for the Easter Sunday, Year B
Download Newsletter for the Easter Sunday, Year B
God loves you more than your love yourself
So much about Easter reminds us of our childhoods. We are all here today because of family members who sacrificed so much for us, loved us with an irrational love, and shared with us their faith in Jesus. It is also true to say that some of us might also be here today with hurts and wounds. The good news is, no matter what memories we carry with us through life, no matter how many hurts that haunt us, the scars we carry, or the spiritual sores that have trouble healing, we remember today that the tomb was empty. Jesus rose from the dead like he said he would and promises to raise us from the dead as well. Today we celebrate that the power of death does not have the final say in our world because God loves us more than we love ourselves. As Christians, we are called to remember this on Easter and to share this kind of irrational and generous love with others through Christ our Lord. (Bishop Frank Schuster)
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