Newsletter for the 3rd Sunday of Easter, Year B
Newsletter for the 3rd Sunday of Easter, Year B
Download the Newsletter for the 3rd Sunday of Easter, Year B
... There are people in the world who have heard about Christ, about religion, about forgiveness, but have not been led to an experience of the Lord’s forgiveness. These may be the people of the deep, dark night suffering in the world of prostitution, the sex industry or the drug culture. They are exploited so others can become rich. They see their only option in life being to make the best of a terrible situation or end their lives. These people have not witnessed a transformation of life. No one has brought them the witness of the Resurrection. Perhaps the people in darkness are the people of the lonely home and lonely life. They have worked long and hard to get the most out of the world. Their lives and their houses are full of beautiful things. Now that their dreams have been fulfilled, they realize that they are not happy. They need more to life, but there is nothing left for them to buy. No one has brought them the witness of the Resurrection. (Msgr. Joseph Pellegrino)
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