St. Margaret's Church Pastoral Council
St. Margaret’s parish pastoral council is concerned with the evaluation of the pastoral life of the parish.
Also, the Council assumes responsibility for planning the pastoral year calander.
All matters concerning the renewal of the parish and outreach to its members are the competence of this Council.
Pastoral Council is always interested in the views and thoughts of the parishioners. If you have anything you wish to raise with the PC please,contact the Parish Priest or anymember of the council.
St. Margaret’s parish pastoral council meets four times in the year, as advertised in the parish year planner.
St. Margaret’s parish pastoral council is made up of the representatives of the groups and sectors in the parish
under the chairperson of the parish priest, who presided over the council meeting,
with the help of other elected or nominated parishioners.
Chair: Fr Philip Bua
Vice Chair: Denise McDermott
Secretaries: Shared between Tony Fenlon, Pat Singal, Ann McCartan
Justice & Peace: Marian Pallister
Prayer Group: Cathleen McFadden
Singing group: Phil Conner
Lectors: Eunice Salmon
Safeguarding: Ann McCartan
Inveraray: John Gleeson, Kenny Stark
Sacristy: Pat Singal
Hospitality Group: Marie Branniean
Extraordinary Ministers: Tony Fenlon
Youth: Agata Koloziek
Social Media: Tony Jones
Gardening Group: Tony Fenlon
Kenny Stark (Chair and Gift Aid Co-Ordinator)
Ian Salmon,
Tony Fenlon
Agata Koloziek
Parish Finance Councils As Defined in Canon Law Canon 537
Each parish is to have a finance council which is regulated by universal laws as well as by norms issued by the diocesan bishop; in this council the Christian faithful, selected according to the same norms, aid the pastor in the administration of parish goods with due regard for the prescription of can. 532 Canon 532 states the pastor represents the parish in all juridic affairs in accord with the norm of law; he is to see to it that the goods of the parish are administered in accord with the norms of cann. 1281-1288.